
Chairman Invitation - Substainable Ecology in my Campus 2025.pdf

SEMCC2025 Detail_ENG&CHI.pdf




致 貴校校長及負責老師:




地球環境基金會( Earth Environmental Foundation,EEF )成立於2010 年,是根據《稅務條例》第88 條註冊的慈善機構。 EEF 董事會成員包括教育工作者、學者、專業人士和培訓師。 我們與青年、教育或商業機構協作,支持培育ESG 人才,為人類社會及自然生態環境作出貢獻。

比賽開放給所有香港和澳門學校。 歡迎新參賽者及以往曾參加過的學校參加。

為支持校園生態,今年我們特舉辦食物網研究競賽,以加深校園生態生活的學習。 校園是培育生態教育的好地方,讓學生從自然環境中學習,幫助他們發展生態人才,獲得有效管理地球資源和承擔維護環境質量責任所需的知識、技能、動機、價值觀和承諾。

謹此鳴謝我們的贊助人羅麗如女士,她是前教育局官員、退休資深教師暨本地英文小學校董;及何德光博士。 衷心感謝一心旅遊服務有限公司贊助本次活動; UMHKAA 澳門大學 (香港) 校友會、EduHKAA 香港教育大學校友會、致德教育、The Futurists Community 及 朗晴慈善機構作為支持機構; SPSS 聖保祿中學 作為協辦單位為本計畫的成功作出了巨大貢獻。

如有查詢,請擲函至 eefgreenproject@gmail.com 或致電
Tel: +852-61501919, +852-96030386 (WhatsApp)


EEF 地球環保基金主席和首席執行官
2024 年 12 月 31 日








Dear Principal and Teachers-in-charge:

"EEF: Sustainable Ecology in my Campus Contest 2024 (SEMCC 2025)"



Established in 2010, the Earth Environmental Foundation (EEF) is a registered charity under Section 88 of the IRD. The members of the EEF board of Governors are Educators, Scholars, Professionals, and Trainers. We cooperate with youth, educational institutions and business organizations to support the cultivation of Ecological Life and ESG talents, contribute to human society and the natural ecological environment.


The contest is open to all schools from Hong Kong and Macau. New entries are welcome to participate as well as those schools who have taken part before.


In support of Ecology in School Campus, this year we hereby launched the contest to food web research to deepen the study of the ecology life in the campus. School campus is a very good place to nurture ecological education to enable students to learn from a natural environment in helping them to develop ecology talents and gain the knowledge, skills, motivations, values and commitment they need to efficiently manage our earth’s resources and take responsibility for maintaining environmental quality.


I would like to hereby give our thanks to our patrons Ms. Rita Lo, the former Education Bureau official, retired senior teacher and IMC member of local English primary school; and Dr. HO Tak-kwong. Also thanks to Instant Travel Services Ltd. for sponsoring this event; UMHKAA, EduHKAA, Chi Tak Education, The Futurists Community and Lang Qing Charity as Supporting Organizations; SPSS as Coorganiser who has given a big hand to the success of this project.


For enquiries, please write to eefgreenproject@gmail.com or call us at

Tel: +852-61501919, +852-96030386 (WhatsApp)




Yours faithfully,

Dr. Joseph Tsui

Chairperson and CEO, EEF

31st December 2024


Link for application

Enrolment form






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